2023 - A year in stats
20 Dec 2023
Consumer Protection Association
It's coming to the end of another year in the Outside In world therefore time to share some amazing stats around everything that we do!
Since the business was formed, we've been members of The Consumer Protection Association who believe that it is vital to evaluate both the professionalism and quality of every member’s work and the most effective means of establishing this is by asking their customers* what they think.
The chart below displays the scores our customers awarded us in respect of our overall performance. These scores are supplied by all customers when they apply for their Insurance Backed Guarantee upon completion of their Garden Room build.
They also ask our customers to appraise how they found dealing with us with regards to specific issues. The analysis of the survey is contained in the graphic below.
The purpose of the survey is to assist us in maintaining and where possible, improving our standards of professionalism, quality and service. We're thrilled with the above results however there's always work to be done so we plan to continue to work incredibly hard to deliver amazing garden rooms in a super-efficient way that our customers are delighted with.
* Customer confidentiality has been respected throughout.
Outside In have been exemplary members for over 5 years giving customers peace of mind by insuring their work. In this time we have never received any bad feedback as their survey shows. It's a pleasure to call them a member of The Consumer Protection Assoc.
Simon Antony Raphael
We also took a look back at what our Garden Rooms are being used for and the working from home trend is still very much on track with over 30% of our rooms being used as a home office.
Outside In exceeded both our hopes and expectations in every aspect of the project, from the design stage, through obtaining planning permission, to the build, final landscaping, and snagging.
Andrew, Scotstoun